Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Little Princess

Charis' birthday is always in the midst of lots of celebrating so I don't always find time to blog about my sweet girl on her birthday so here are some belated birthday pictures and thoughts...

I found myself a bit melancholy as I took Charis to bed at the end of her third birth day. I held her close to my chest as I walked up the stairs giving extra kisses...trying to soak in the moment forever. When I try recall her as a baby, those moments seem less vivid than I'd like reminding me to cherish each moment God gives me. Yet I wouldn't trade the unique girl she is growing into. One thing that marks this year is her discovery of princesses and in particular Cinderella. The old book she found at my mom's and claimed has been read countless times so that she has it memorized word for word. So I figured this was the year to do a princess party. But more than fun princesses and dress up the things that characterize Charis are her sweet spirit, her love of books & learning ("mama teach me" is something I hear often), her laugh, her smile that lights up my day, and her sensitive soul that humbles me. What a gift she is to us!

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